Linda and I arrived here yesterday. We drove from Indianapolis in the afternoon and met Bunty and his wife at his flat. Since we didn't have wireless access for most of the day yesterday, I'll cover yesterday's events today.
The day started with our visit to the zoo in Indianapolis. The zoo is located in a very nice neighbourhood of the city, which also includes a museum, a garden, a stadium, and a few other unidentified public buildings. We chose to tour the zoo and the garden.
The Indianapolis zoo is one of the best zoos I've visited. It's not as big as the St. Louis zoo, but the animals are exhibited much better here. Taking photos at this zoo was a little easier than in other zoos. You could go very close to some of the animals, and actually pet some of the birds. I could make very good use of my new Tamron 55-200 mm lens here. Unfortunately, I won't be able to upload any of the photos until I get back to Reedsburg. I didn't bring my Rebel's USB cable along.
After the zoo visit, we drove to Columbus to meet Bunty. Bunty wasn't there when we reached his flat. However, his wife could figure out that I was the friend he was expecting. Bunty arrived after about 15 minutes. I don't think I'd seen him since circa 1992. The biggest change in his appearance was his hairstyle. Both he and I have lost almost an equal amount of hair since we last saw each other. He had his hair cut very short. Again, I'll have to wait until I reach Reedsburg to post Bunty photos.
In the evening Bunty, Ratna (his wife), Linda and I went to a Greek restaurant nearby. This was one of the few places that served anything vegetarian. Bunty's wife is a vegetarian, too. Bunty and I caught up with some Ranchi news. The Technorati tags for our conversation would probably be: kachua, tilkut, auto, cricket, mantu, manik, aftab, khaini, CIP, ashu, shibu, bihari, ranchi, kanke, and so on.
We returned to our Patel motel (yes, this one's a PM also) at almost midnight.
We haven't made plans for today yet. More later.