Wednesday, May 03, 2006

a good day for painting

Today I painted the grape arbor. It was a beautiful day outside and I used the Walkman and listed to the 3-cd set of Dave Matthews in Central Park while I worked.

My Cousin Vinny

DVD archive project:
Hero (Dustin Hoffman)
Pretty Woman

I finished A Regency Valentine, an anthology by Kitty Grey, Carola Dunn, Ellen Fitzgerald, Jo Beverley, and Shiela Simonson. This one was the rare good collection of stories with no duds! I especially liked the way the 5 stories were interwoven throughout without bringing up the secondary characters in a sickeningly sweet way as so often happens in series romance.

I also recorded the Holberg Suite for Dad, so he can listen to a cd of it instead of requesting that I play it every single time he visits.

Mail Call
flower catalog


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