Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Dreary May weather

Today it is raining, cold, and gloomy, just like yesterday. The forecast:
Tomorrow: rain
Thu: rain and cold
Fri: rain and quite cold, down to 38.
Sat: rain.


Mail call:
$50 survey check
Head and Shoulders sample from Walmart
Dish bill
$6 check from ebay
Lord Stanhope's Proposal, from Title Trader
Finessing Clarissa, by Marion Chesney, from PaperbackSwap. This makes my School of Manners series complete.

I think this afternoon I will try and make some naan dough and start some dosa batter as well, which will probably take a couple of days to ferment. I would really like to get out in the garden and set some plants out, but the weather is not very conducive to that.

Here is a photo from last week. :)


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