Friday, May 05, 2006

Gloomy Friday

Today is cold and rather nasty. I moved the remainder of the firewood pallets down into the basement, so the ferns could have a chance to grow. Dad came over to drop off a ladder to fix the outside kitchen vent, which is covered with vines, and to pick up his birthday / father's day gift of a minidisc recorder.

Survey Payouts:
$15 from BI
$20 from medi mix
$1 from Vocallabs

Avinash said he got $15 from Sage Research, as well

Maybe I can justify buying a new minidisc recorder for myself! I gave Dad his recorder today, and now I wish I had one too, for recording piano. Too bad they cost so much. Dad's was $165 and the mike and discs were about $60, so they're not cheap at all. I just hope he doesn't a) lose it, b) drop it, or c) wreck it by sitting on it or something in the car.

Actually, I have $146 in the paypal, from various surveys, so I guess I really could justify it by those earnings. ;)

Mail call:
John Frieda hair stuff sample
Letter from Germany
Kit for upcoming secret shop

Here's a photo that Mom took a few weeks ago in front of the house before we left for Mountain.


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