Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Finally - warmer!

Today is off and on sunny, but it's in the 70s today and that is most welcome! I spent the morning getting caught up in the garden.

Here is a really nice shot of an unidentified blue flower I rescued from the neighbors' garden when it was being razed.

In the ground are:
Spring planting -
bean plants
pea plants
okra (look very sick)
impatiens (what measly amount I was able to grow from seed - I'm not doing that again!)
garbanzo beans (don't look too good)

Seeds planted in cells inside:
snow pea

Seeds planted outside:
coriander - why did I buy them when I have a whole cupboard full of seeds?

I also mowed the yard with the reel mower.

Mail call:
Downy sample

$2 paypal from some survey I don't recall
This afternoon:
More mowing. I got the Tori Amos Beekeeper CD in at the library today so I will listen to that.

Dad called and said he might be bringing Heath over to practice singing the Pearl Fisher duet.


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