Tuesday, April 04, 2006

O Frabjous Day!

Finally, a pleasant day outside! The sun has emerged from its week of hiding and the daffodils are blooming.

Here are some photos from the garden today.

When I got home from work I moved some indoor plants to the sunroom to start toughening them up for going outdoors. The temperature is supposed to go down to 25F tonight, but from then on in I think it will be above freezing.

Mail call:
nice card from the Peidelsteins
Shoppers Hotline newsletter
investment magazine

Survey payouts:
$5 in Burger King bucks from Shoppers Hotline

DVD project:
Grosse Pointe Blank

Dinner was hamburgers / veggie burgers

In the evening we watched The Whole 10 Yards, the sequel to The Whole 9 Yards we had watched the previous evening. The library cd was too scratched to see it on the TV and we had to watch it on the computer.

That's all the news for today.


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