Saturday, March 25, 2006

Errand Day

Yesterday both Avinash and I were off, so we ran all of our errands. I mailed out several packages at the post office: two to NYC, one to Tazmania, and one to Savannah. It was mostly gaudy Grandma jewelry that was being shipped out to happy customers who like bib necklackes and a lot of beads.

I also sold another one of her necklaces on ebay for an astonishing $46. I liked it ok, but found it uncomfortable and I didn't really have an outfit it looked good with. I'm much happier to get the $46.

Next week I plan on listing some of Grandma's big gaudy earrings with beads and dangly things on them. I think they will sell well too, and without one earlobe I sure can't wear them.

Then we went to Baraboo to get some groceries. We got three boxfuls at Aldis, a few remaining items at the Evil Empire, and then a few freebies at Viking for good measure. Pictured above you can see Ned in his customary stance after we bring home boxes of groceries. He has to check out every new box we bring home - sniffing every inch and sitting in it for a while and looking foolish.

For supper, we made chakkarpe dosai with shallot sambar.

Then we watched a rerun of Con Air, which Avinash had never seen. You can't beat it for the typical big-budget Hollywood action thriller for the requisite car chases, big explosions, poor Southern accents, medical inaccuracies, and so on. Nevertheless, it is fun to watch.

Today I haven't gotten a lot accomplished. I have worked on my DVD project:
Hope Floats
National Lampoon Xmas Vacation

Mail call:
three packages of underwear for a product trial (pays $15!)
bank statement

I balanced the checkbook (off by $200, for some reason) and went to the library book sale. They just wanted to get rid of stuff and I brought home a regency.

I also sold a ratty old romance novel on amazon. I contacted the buyer to make sure she was ok with its worn condition, and she said to go ahead, so I'll ship it on Monday.

Also the lady who won all the Iditarod VHS tapes on ebay won a book I had listed on ebay, so I'll get a box together to go out on Monday.

This afternoon I will pull out all the old utility bills and try and figure out the problem with the bank account. I'm pretty sure it's one of the local utility EFT payments.

Garden update today:
Foxgloves are up
also okra seedlings
the zucchini seedlings are getting really BIG!
peas, garbanzos, chana doing well
one tomato plant has also sprouted.

No sign of impatiens or peppers yet.

Tonight is the last night it is supposed to freeze in the forseeable future. I'll pull the row cover off the daffodils tomorrow and let them get some more sun.


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