Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hello World, here's my blog!

I plan on posting updates here for my family and friends about life on Vine St. I'll try and update it daily, but it probably won't happen on workdays. Nevertheless, I'll make an effort. :)

Things are quiet here today. I'm off today because I have to work Wed and Thu this week. I haven't gotten a lot accomplished besides archiving a few of my old videotapes to cds (I'm doing my entire collection, which is a very time-consuming process).

Today I did:
Noises Off
The Russia House
Hitchhiker's Guide the the Galaxy
Along Came Polly
I was going to tape Vanity Fair on the free HBO preview, but as usual, I am Eastern Time Zone impaired and I turned the tv on halfway through it. HBO should really have a time zone selector on their website.

Book update:
I'm reading Evan Marshall's Missing Marlene. It's a mystery, the first one in a series. If it's good I'll get the rest from the library.

Pet update:
Ned has been sleeping on his pink blankie the ENTIRE day. He hasn't moved a whisker.

Rowena spent the morning either on my lap at the computer or in her house. I gave her a little catnip for a midmorning snack and she played with something visible to her (I'm not sure if it's real or imaginary!) under the dining room table for a while. Now she's back in the cat house.

I had no idea when I bought it that Rowena was going to be the cat who liked the cat tree, nor that she would spend 20 hours a day there!

Mail call:

One check for a necklace sold on ebay. It's going to NYC.

One check for $5 from Pinecone

Phone bill. Talking to my parents 15 miles away for 51 minutes cost $20, which seems HIGH. I'm going to have to try and use onesuite more for these calls.

a prospectus from one of the investment companies that they feel compelled to send out periodically

sample of vitabath shimmering body lotion

Family Circle (I haven't had time to read the last one yet)

On Wisconsin! magazine

some NWA junk

and a bonanza of catalogs: Foster and Smith, Chadwicks, OneCall

I walked to the post office to mail out three Amazon items, and on the way back stopped to deposit my paycheck and at the library for some interlibrary loan items I had requested online that had come in. I love the South Central Library system!

Turkey meatloaf from the freezer
Creamy potato soup

Then I paid bills (credit card - the yearly tax preparation bill being most of that) and reconciled the cc account on Quicken. It's a lot harder now that Quicken has been "enhanced" so that you cannot download credit card transactions directly into Quicken. Also UWCU has not fixed their cc site so that this can be accomplished. They said last year that they were aware of the problem and were working on it, but nothing's been done yet.


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