Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Wednesday news

Not much news today. I had a mind-numbing 3-hour meeting this morning, where I had to present several studies and reports to the Patient Care Council. I left a large pile of work at 11:30 when my shift was over and came home.

I worked on my VHS-conversion project some more.

Today I did:
Mona Lisa Smile
National Lampoon’s Vacation
National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation.

Avinash sent me a link to a very funny short entitled Call Center. Take a look if you get a chance!

Book update:
I didn’t get anywhere on my Evan Marshall book today. Hopefully I’ll finish it tomorrow – I have several other library books I need to get a start on!

Pet update:
Ned demolished Rowena’s examination-gown plastic string toy. I’ll have to get another stash of those for her at the clinic tomorrow.

Rowena spent the day laying pretty low, but she did have an episode of playing with / talking to her puffball while we were cooking dinner. She meows to it just like it were a kitten, which is very comical.

Ned watched some fish tv this evening and then sat next to me on the couch while we watched National Geographic Explorer on PBS. He alternately purred, kicked, nibbled, and licked my fingers, which is par for the course with him.

Rowena spent her evening dozing on the cat tree and sitting on my lap.

Mail call:

Just some Imitrex coupons today.

I sold one of mom’s old graduate school books on Amazon today.


Chakkarpe dosai with Coconut chutney
Pom juice punch


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