Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Overcast Wednesday

This is Ned after one of his computer-licking episodes. He appears guilty, and rightfully so! Not long after this, he licked the camera and the phone. He has a real thing for plastics.

In books today:
I read Joanna Maitland's A Penniless Prospect today, which was surprisingly good and free of most of the regency cliches. There was a kidnapping and an escape by setting fire to the bedchamber and rappelling down the wall on bedsheets, with the hero improbably coming to the rescue and then having to be rescued by the heroine while all the baddies burned, but no book is perfect.

poetry book
Hope Floats

Mail Call:
bank statement

DVD project:
The Rock
Inspector Gadget

One $15 from BI. I am really disappointed in this company this year due to the lack of invitations and I delete every one of their referral emails.
$22 payout from Survey Spot


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