Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sunny Sunday

Sunday was cold and nippy, but the sun was out and the temperature climbed above freezing with the sunshine. We had some Bagels Forever bagels and cream cheese for breakfast. I worked until mid-afternoon as usual. Lunch was grilled cheese and mashed potatoes.

When I got home, I pulled the row cover off the daffodils and tulips out front so that they could get the benefit of the sunshine. It's not supposed to go below 32F in the next week, so I'll leave the row cover off and hopefully they won't get frozen and wilt.

Pet update:
Rowena worked on destroying one of her favorite toys, the disposable plastic gown tie (see photo). Fortunately I have an endless supply of them from the clinic! Ned also indulged in a little undignified play with the tie.

Garden update:
The giant crocuses are still blooming. I have lots of tulips and lilies coming up.

Dad and I have tried to brainstorm a container to use for planting strawberries this summer. He has several barrels, but they are ex-industrial barrels and who knows what used to be in them, and they are plastic 1 cm thick and might be took hard to cut with my little jigsaw. He has some steel barrels (also probably hard to cut) and an old galvanized metal horse trough. I thought I'd go take a look at the horse trough maybe Tuesday and see if it was suitable for patio gardening.

DVD project:
Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Brain that wouldn't Die
Laws of Attraction

Marketplace update:
Mom brought me a bag of ROOTS videos to list online. I posted them on ebay and we shall see what happens.

I sold two of grandma's cups and saucers for $16. They were Steubenville's Adam Antique and both nice, but they didn't belong to a set so I thought I would free up some more space in the china cabinet for some of her other dishes.

Avinash brought home some remainders from the library book sale, two quite new computer books that appeared to be unused. I listed them on Amazon and already sold one to someone in California for $6.

Evening news:
Avinash and I watched an old movie, Roxanne. It's the Cyrano de Bergerac story, sent in a Rocky Mountain town in the mid 1980s. The costumes, hair, and soundtrack really brought back memories of high school!

Cajun crab cakes - I made them with the can of crab meat I have gotten at Yue Wah. It was really finely shredded, but that was ok for this recipe. They were a little soggy, so I added besan and they turned out to be quite tasty!

Caesar salad

Avinash made chat again.

Fudge grahams


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