Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A good day

I didn't have to go to work today, so that makes it a good day right from the beginning. I had gotten up at 3 am to take some migraine medication so I had a leisurely doze until 8:30 am due to the sedative effect of the medicine. I got up and spent 30 or 40 minutes trying to get my computer to talk to the internet to check my mail. Every time it is shut down properly, there is a 50 or 60% chance that the router will not work right after booting up. It almost makes me want to leave the thing on 24/7.

I called Dad and told him what supplies I wanted him to bring over for our grape arbor project. I found directions online last night for a rotating composter, so I also needed some PVC piping and 2 x 4s.

I planted the eggplant seeds in a container to get them started indoors, and then put in the strawberry rootlets in the plastic outside container. If it freezes, that can easily be moved onto the porch.

He came soon afterward with his truck full of treated 4 x 4 posts and post-hole digger, miter saw, drills, etc. It is very handy that he has everything just lying around, and also handy to use it rather than it just piling up there.

Dad drilled the post holes and set the timber, and I held everything while it was being nailed and fetched tools, markers, and levels. I also hauled 6 wheelbarrowfuls of dead leaves and branches out to the curb for the spring cleanup. We decided we had to get a 2 x 6 from the lumber yard and also some longer nails. A truck is very handy for that. I did have to clean out all kinds of McDonalds bags and newspapers and cookie packages from the seat, as usual, to get into the truck.

Dad divulged that he had just come from the DMV, where he was himself surprised to have PASSED his vision test. I asked him if they had made it any easier, and he didn't respond. He said that he thought the Lantus was helping him with his eyesight. So he is free to drive on the roads for another 8 years - the less said about that, the better.

Dad had some of his own unique ideas on the construction of the arbor. We got up the side wall and one crosspiece, but he didn't want to put in a third corner post or back piece. He has some other plan in mind, and I'm not sure he and I have the same vision of what an arbor should look like. But that comes with the territory when you ask for his help.

Dad rewarded himself for his work with TWO pieces of homemade apple pie. I asked if he would like some lunch, but he said that the pie was all he needed.

I showed Dad some of the edited Korea photos, and he left about 1:30.

I made some lunch and quick watched the DVD which was due, The Dark Crystal. That movie really brought back some memories for me, since I think I was in Jr High the last time I saw it!

Then it was time to return all the library materials, pick up my reserve (a Tori Amos cd), and drive to the Dells for my mystery shop.

The shop was relatively quick and easy, and I have dinner for the next two nights!

DVD project:
Jurassic Park

Mail call: book for Mom
free sample of Dove soap - very very tiny

Today's photos show the start of my springtime flower show!


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