Friday, July 20, 2007

Garden update

Not much going on in the garden at the moment. The two month long drought was taken its toll on many of my blooming plants. Here's what's blooming or bearing fruit.

1) Marigold, grown from seed
2) another surprise poppy - this one a double

3) Phlox, transplanted from my grass-loving neighbor's last year

4) Canna "the President". This is the third of fourth year of this plant, having been wintered inside, and some red harlequin type streaking is showing up more and more. These plants are doing so well (about the only things which are), here's two photos.

5) Trumpet vine and morning glory leaves

6)Morning glory bud, with jet contrail (Chicago to Minneapolis) above

7) orange Daylily

8) hollyhock (Alba)

9) another daylily - the coloring has diverged a lot from it's orange brothers (above) over the last 10 years

10) Wave petunia - these are really not preforming as advertised this year. I think next year I will purchase cheapo petunias.


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