Tuesday, July 10, 2007

One More Dish Network Complaint, while I'm at it

We have also been receiving frequent telemarketing calls from Dish, or rather, from a third party affiliated with them. They folks are clearly calling from India, and they try to get us to sign up for packages, refer our friends, and so on.

Since they're calling from India, obviously, the federal and state "Do Not Call" lists do not apply. Dish takes no responsibility for these calls. Some of the callers speak in Hindi only, thinking this is a strictly desi household, and so I can't even tell them anything since my Hindi knowledge is limited to a few words only. I hate to be rude to these poor people, since I know it's a terrible job, but they keep calling no matter what - and so that is the only thing that works. I have tried asking them to take us off their list, asking to speak with their supervisor, and such things, but these callers are as dumb as a box of rocks and I eventually end up hanging up on them mid-spiel.

At least now that our dish (wasp nest and all) was dismantled and returned, hopefully these particular Indian telemarketing calls should stop. If not, more anti-Dish rants will be posted.



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