Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Spring(like) weather

We have had a warm spell the last couple of days. I only had to work half the day today, so I took the bike and went to the post office, the bank, and city hall, to vote. I was apparently one of the 3% of Wisconsin residents who took the opportunity to do so - I was the only one there when I voted. I'm sure more people were taking the opportunity to wash the grime and salt residue off their cars. There were about 16 poll workers, all regulars from the local civic volunteer groups. They recognized me, so I didn't have to show any ID.

I placed my vote for Linda Clifford for the Supreme Court primary, which was the only item on the ballot. I was glad to see that 2/3 of the candidates in the non-partisan election were women.

Mom came over in the evening, to enjoy a dinner of baked scallops in lemon butter garlic sauce, and to show her photos from their Florida trip. Here's a sample of some of the wildlife they saw near Fort Meyers. She even got to see one of the 100 or so Florida panthers in existance.


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