Sunday, February 25, 2007

Snow, and lots of it

We got dumped on with 6 inches of wet snow Friday night. We spent a good part of Saturday digging ourselves out - the plow had Avinash's car in about a foot and a half of dense, heavy white stuff. (The photo above shows Avinash's Mazda3 during the storm).

Saturday night was a repeat of the same, with another 6 inches of heavy snow. I had to be to work at 7 am on Sunday, so I had to shovel out Avinash's car again. (My car was in the garage, blocked by the impassable driveway). The winds had caused a lot of drifting and the snow was thigh high in places. I certainly could not shovel that out in time to get to work, so I shoveled out Avinash's car, which had been plowed in, and took that. Apperently, the hospital was suffering a bit of a staffing crisis due to nurses who lived in outlying areas not being able to get through on their unplowed roads.

Avinash spent much of the day shoveling out the sidewalk, driveway, and paths around the house. Here is an "action" photo, with a clod of snow flying. You can see how close the temperature is to the freezing point by the slushy quality of the snow.

Now our house has 4-5 foot snowdrifts surrounding it. If it snows any more, the drifts may rival the December 1999 size - I remember that the drifts were over my head; very hard to throw snow that high.


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