Friday, March 02, 2007

Attic Project, and More Snow

Yesterday Dad came over and we tackled the next insulation project, the little inaccessible attic above the bedroom closets. We had discovered that this attic was not properly insulated, which probably is partly the reason why it's always 50 degrees in there (the other reason being that there are no heating ducts). Above the closet is a little 8 foot by 6 foot attic, so Dad cut an access door into the attic and I insulated it with 6" batts of plastic-covered insulation. There was about 2 inches of sawdust insulation there, not even enough to cover the joists, plus three old paper wasp houses. I will have to seal up the attic vent with a screen or something in the spring. I discovered that the west side of the house had formerly had vines growing up to the roofline, because there were pieces of vine still stuck to the now-interior brick wall, probably 50 years after construction.

The job was a little difficult because of the headroom, or lack thereof (2 & 1/2 feet at the most), and the protruding nails from the roofing above. The insulation part was actually the easiest thing, though - cutting the door through the 1/2" wallboard on the ceiling was a messy and overly complicated job. Now all that remains is the new door and trim (made from scrap wood) needs to be insulated and painted.

Today it is snowing again. The forecast is for 1" accumulation, but it is coming down pretty fast and furious, and I think we will get 3-4 inches at least.

Here is a self-portrait of Ned and me (not the most flattering angle, but it gets Ned's true expression of love and happiness). Ned was hungry and was in his obnoxiously, unaccountably, and unavoidably snuggly phase.


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