Thursday, June 08, 2006

Robin nestlings

Two robins have made the rather questionable choice of building their nest in the magnolia tree right next to the front door of the house. It's about 6 feet off the ground and you can look right into it from the front steps. The only good thing about this site is that there is a thorny wild rose climbing the magnolia, and that might possibly deter a cat. I doubt it, but it's possible.

Yesterday, Seema and Vinay and Ani's aunt came for a brief visit. I got up at 5 am, because Ned had gotten outside and I was worried that he might kill the birds. They were making quite a racket as soon as the sun came up. I went outside and looked for Ned, to no avail, and when I looked in the nest, I only saw 2 chicks. There were originally 4 eggs, so two were missing. Ned showed up a little while later, but the robins kept up their racket all day.

When Seema's family arrived, about 2 pm, Vinay said that there was a robin chick on the front curb. We debated for a while whether we should leave it there for the parents to tend, but felt there was far too much traffic (people and dogs) for the chick to survive. So I picked up the chick and put it back in the nest, and the robin settled right now and quit their distress calls. I wasn't sure if the parents would feed the chick since I had handled it, so I fed it some worm-sized slices of turkey which it quickly gobbled up.

Later on, Mom and Dad Robin returned and brought some sustenance for the chicks, so I beleive all is well in Robin Land.


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