Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunny Sunday

I had a rather dull day at work. It wasn't the usual hectic environment today. I tried to do a continuing education on anticoagulants for deep vein thrombosis and coronary syndrome, and fought with the ASHP website to get into the testing area for about an hour. I've never worked with such a terrible website. Several times I tried to get in, it said their website was down. Then when I finally got the page to load, it said my password was incorrect, and none of my email addresses were valid. When I clicked on "send me my password", it said that it was sending to the email address on record. Needless to say, I never got anything in the email. I re-registered as a completely new person, and I finally got in that way - although I know I am registered because I have done CEs on their website before. Then I couldn't access the free test I had the corresponding booklet. It said I had to pay, although my booklet clearly said free. There are hundreds of tests on their site and control-F "find" didn't hit on any of the words in the title of my booklet. I finally found the test, pulled it up by brute force (browsing through the hundreds of tests available for the specific one I needed), and ended up with completely different (although related) questions than were in my booklet. At that point, I figured I might as well wing it, since I figured I'd never get in again, so I guessed at all the questions. I passed the test with an 80%, so I printed off my certificate worth 2 hours of CE and called it a day. I may not have studied for two hours, but it certainly took me that long to get into their testing area - so I feel I earned it I then proceeded to lock myself out of the pharmacy when I left, and ended up calling Matt in to let me into the pharmacy to get my keys. If I weren't on call, I would just forget about it and walk home. Fortunately, Matt was home and didn't mind coming in to help me.

After that debacle, things improved. I took down my laundry. Then I worked on gardening since the weather is so nice. I planted some of Dad's old bean seeds, in hopes some of them would sprout, and watered the garden, and lay down some landscape fabric and mulch around the pond since it's too narrow to mow there. I dug up two 10 gallon buckets worth of soil from the old compost heap, and planted Dad's pepper plants in those. All of the tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, mustard greens, lettuce, marigold, morning glory, and peas are doing very well. We've already had our first harvest of snow peas, and our red pepper from last year is bearing ripe red peppers any day now. Only the beans are doing poorly, with many of the leaves skeletalized. I have put out a beer trap for slugs and will try Dad's pesticide dust tomorrow. I'm not sure which critter is eating the foliage, but I'll try to kill it.



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