Saturday, July 08, 2006


Linda had made some dosai batter the day before yesterday. The batter fermented quite nicely by yesterday evening, when we decided to have dosai for dinner. This time she used whole urad dal (urad dal with chilka) . We'd previously noticed that whole urad dal doesn't make any difference to the dosai. In fact, it gives it some much needed fibre.

We decided to try out our new Lodge cast iron tava. The cooking started off on a bad note. We wasted about five dosais before the tava was seasoned properly for the dosais to come off without sticking. I was on the verge of giving up on the cast iron tava when one of the dosais did not stick. My guess is that I will have to dedicate one griddle for cooking oily stuff all the time. I can't clean that tava very often (even though I don't use detergent or any other cleaning agent for cleaning cast iron cookware). We're thinking of buying another cast iron tava exclusively for rotis and other non-oily foods.

The whole urad dosai turned out quite nicely in the end. We also made some potato sago, using the MTR ready-made masala. The sago was also quite tasty. It was better tasting than the usual aloo masala that I make for masala dosai.

I will later write a more detailed post on my experience with cooking dosai and rotis on cast iron cookware. I've had mixed luck.


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